How would you like to learn the secrets of meditation that will change your life forever?

Hi!🙏 BenArion here... 

So, what is the mindset you need in order to be able to meditate consistently every single day?

Just a few short years ago, I was broke and I felt lost, and I didn’t know what to do.

Today, I have a purpose I feel called to fulfill, and everyday at work feels like a day on the playground.

Since that day when Yogi Bhajan gave me the name "Sat-Siri-Singh" (The Great Lion Of Truth) I've been on a quest to fulfill my dreams, and live my true purpose... and Meditation was KEY in my journey, that's WHY I'm sharing it with you!

"Creation is ready to SERVE YOU, if you just BE YOU".
- Yogi Bhajan

Almost everyone in life, once they hear about the amazing potential of meditation, tries to pick up the habit.

Strangely enough, however, people almost never CONTINUE to meditate consistently after they start.

They meditate a few times, maybe even start to see results, and then fall out of the practice.

But why does this happen?

The truth is that most people have a hidden limiting belief about meditation, and that limiting belief is what drew them to meditation in the first place.

That belief is usually some variation of:
“Meditation is something I use to heal myself.”

And while yes, it’s true that meditation IS something we can use to heal ourselves, emotionally, psychologically, and even physically in some cases, ask yourself this:

How often do you take an aspirin when you feel healthy?

Treating meditation like a salve for our wounds requires us to be wounded to even think of using it in the first place.

When we think of meditation in this way, we subconsciously enter into a painful and repetitious cycle of practicing meditation until we feel “healthy” enough to forget that we need it every single day.

But when we actively schedule it into our lives, we can often run into a different limiting belief that is just as likely to make us quit.

And THAT belief is that meditation is “work”.
Work, to most people, is not fun.

And those who think of meditation as something that they “have” to do every single day in order to see results inevitably end up resenting their practice, and quitting the practice anyway.

That is, of course, until they start to feel terrible, stressed, and anxious once more, and then remember how amazing meditation made them feel back when they were practicing.

Then, sadly, the whole cycle starts anew.

It’s not that meditation should be used only when you’re sick...

It’s not that you should FORCE yourself to meditate every single day…

It’s this:

“Meditation is FUN. Meditation makes you FEEL good.

It’s a REWARD that you give yourself for all the things in your life that actually cause you stress, and that you work hard at.

Meditation itself isn’t work, and it never should be. Meditation… is PLAY.”

Appreciating Meditation in this way is the first step towards building a lasting habit that transforms your life.

Use it as a sanctuary against the rest of the hectic chaos of the world, and you’ll soon find yourself effortlessly gravitating towards it.

In fact, a lot of recurring problems in life can be fixed in exactly this manner, just by simply reframing the context of our beliefs.

I’m going to tell you all about ZenLife Meditation Mastery… And I can’t WAIT to see the incredible, life-changing results you’re about to get with it.

If you’ve ever tried to make a daily habit out of meditation before and failed - even if you’ve tried and failed repeatedly - this is for you.

Or, maybe you’re considering meditation, but you don’t want to end up like the millions who HAVE tried and failed. Or maybe you’ve gone through this process of trying and failing with other things in your life, like losing weight, or starting a business… only to eventually give up.

ZenLife Meditation Mastery can help with that, too.

For some of us, we say “I don’t have time. I’m too busy with XYZ.”

Or we say, “My mind won’t even slow down, let alone stop. It’s just the way my brain works. ”

Or we say, “I just can’t shake these doubts, these fears, these limiting beliefs… no matter what I do.”

“I just don’t have the energy.”

“I don’t have the focus”

“I don’t have the money.”

It’s always a unique reason, but it’s always there. And often, it’s not even that unique. But after we try and fail… it just seems so much more plausible, even though it’s usually just a total lie that we tell ourselves to make ourselves feel better.

And even though we feel better for a moment, our lives get worse… with each lie, we further cement our own limiting beliefs. When we don’t take the actions that we know we should… it actually gets harder for us to change later on. How tragically sad is that?

And all of it could be avoided with just a little bit of guidance. Because the truth is, all of these things we tell ourselves are just excuses.

"Meditation is the art of breaking habits, purifying the mind, and taking care of day-to-day things. This procedure of cleansing the mind, or not dumping a lot of thoughts in your subconscious mind, is called meditation. ”

― Yogi Bhajan (Brought Kundalini Yoga to the west and created the famous brand "Yogi Tea" because he was also an amazing entrepreneur.)

"Meditation Isn’t Some Thing That Only the Great Masters and Gurus Can Do… and That Means That Everyone Among Us Has the Same Access To the Underlying Universal Forces Which Let Us Shape Our Own Destiny."

And the funny thing is, when we give in to those excuses… we’re still using those universal forces. But instead of harnessing them for our own good, we’re using them against ourselves.

It’s like we’re driving in a car with the brakes on, and when someone comes along and tells us how to take our foot of the brakes and put it on the gas instead… we don’t listen. Instead, we push down even harder on the brakes… because we’re afraid of not knowing where the car is actually going to take us.

Whatever the case, you’re going to want to take the time to read this page very thoroughly in a place free of distractions. It’s not something that you should take lightly and skim through while you’re standing in line at the supermarket.


First of all, there’s a lot of information to cover. If you skip over some of it, you’ll miss out.

Secondly, unless you give this subject the attention it actually deserves…

…you’ll never figure out how you can permanently pick up the habit of meditation, reverse any limiting belief holding you back into one that empowers you to achieve any goal you want, and obtain a profound sense of inner peace and calm in this overworked, overstressed, chaotic experience we call life.

And the best part?

 NONE of the “work” has to actually feel like WORK.

You can make all of your wildest dreams come true with a feeling of ease and inevitability, if you so desire. You just have to approach the process with the right frame of mind, and in the right way. It’s that simple.

It has been scientifically proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the act of daily meditation can affect your life in dozens of positive ways.

Meditation is right up there in the top 3 health practices everyone should take part in. (The other two are exercising and eating healthy.)

In MY case, meditation helped me become a successful online entrepreneur and allowed me to quit my soul-crushing corporate job.

Meditation even completely changed the entire way I perceive the world and put me in a state of daily blissful gratitude.

At this point in my life –– instead of feeling like my life was a depressing, frustrating slog, or that I’m doomed to a life as an unhappy, unattractive, unfulfilled wage-slave…

…I look around me and see an infinite number of possibilities, each one a present just waiting to be unwrapped.

I know that I can get ANYTHING I want just by applying a few simple principles.

And that knowledge has left me with a profound sense of grounded satisfaction and contentment that is impossible to shake.

For you, meditation may be about getting something else entirely.

That’s great! What you’re after is important, simply because it’s important to you. What I’m after is helping you get it.

For some people, meditation is about getting over a painful relationship, or the death of a loved one. For some, it’s about giving them a way to cope with addiction. For others it’s about finding their soulmate, or rekindling feelings of love in a failing marriage.

Meditation can be used to boost productivity and achieve a life of limitless abundance, help you find your true passion and purpose in life, or give you the courage to finally produce the powerful artistic vision that you long to share with the world.

It’s applications are infinite, because they are bound only in the realm of the imagination, where there are no boundaries except for the ones we imagine.

No matter who you are, or what you’re after, there’s one thing I can say with absolute certainty: the manifestation of your deepest desire in life ALWAYS begins in your mind. ALWAYS.

THAT much is universal. And whatever thoughts and beliefs exist inside your mind slowly but surely begin to reflect themselves outwardly over time.

That’s why the beliefs you have about meditation are so important to your success. That’s why even your beliefs about the way beliefs work can prevent you from getting what you desire most, and doom you to failure before you even begin.

Limiting beliefs are often so deeply ingrained into our identities that they appear invisible to us. We tend to feel like they are irrefutable truths about the world that simply can not be overcome.

They act like “viruses” for our “mental operating system”, and when left unchecked over long enough periods of time, they ruin our entire lives. But with just a simple flip of the switch in our brains, these same beliefs can be changed to have the exact opposite effect and get us whatever we want.

When most people start meditating, they last for about a week, and then they give up.

A few people last a month. Almost no one continues for much longer.

One reason is that they immediately begin to feel better. They aren’t actually better, of course. They’ve just felt so sick for so long that they’re confusing “feeling normal” with “feeling good”. They don’t know any differently, and how could they?

They’ve been sick for so long, being sick becomes their new “normal”.

But there’s so much more to life than just “not feeling bad”.

You can, if you want, live a life filled with so much radiant joy, energy, and gratitude that you almost want to cry. A life of falling effortlessly towards your goals like a stone dropping to the bottom of a pond. A life where any goal you set is both exciting …and inevitable.

There are even levels of existence beyond that, wherein you merge with the infinite nature of the entire universe in experiences so fulfilling and pleasurable that they can’t even be described with words.

These levels of intense bliss have to actually be experienced to be understood. And believe it or not… you have access to them RIGHT NOW. The only thing that’s in your way… is yourself.

  • Imagine having the career you’ve always wanted but were to afraid to pursue…
  • Imagine having the body you’ve always wanted but told yourself you couldn’t…
  • Imagine having the love life you’ve always wanted but were told by others you weren’t good enough for…
  • Imagine having the creative fulfillment you’ve always wanted, and finally finishing that secret passion project you’ve had on the back burner for years…

These are the things that everyone struggles with, because they can’t accept the simple truth: all of our problems originate in our own minds.

But if all of our problems originate in our minds… that’s ALSO where all of our solutions originate, too.

That’s where ZenLife Meditation Mastery comes in...

Here’s What Other Students Are Saying About the ZenLife Meditation Mastery Course…

"When I first saw that BenArion was offering this course something inside told me that I would benefit from it. It enabled me to understand certain topics I was uncertain about and seek answers within to apply them to the present moment. I was also able to relate to some powerful messages which I believe we could all benefit from. The course goes very much into detail to help us stay committed to discovering our highest self. I believe it all starts from within and BenArion is there to give us a little push. Thank you BenArion for sharing your knowledge with us". — Gabrielle

  "I always been very criticizing about myself not being able to focus and stop thinking and felt like every time i meditated I felt exactly as bad as i felt before meditating. During the month-to-monk, this was not "solved". However, the consistency of the practice improved my life dramatically in other aspects of my life (Relationships, fatherhood, being a better husband, started practicing yoga and more). Actually this gave me motivation that was more or less hidden before that. I followed the program to the full, not missing a day! I think this is crucial, and the way you wrote the program can relate to all people, without creating a super-spiritual perception that leads people (and myself) to psychological reactance. I super-recommend it and to follow it to the fullest to get the best results". — Jonathan

"I bought your products because I thought that they would help me to elevate my body, mind and spirit. So far, I am doing just that."


"I want to be zen, and get myself into balance. I needed a system, something to commit to... and this will help."


"I really could need a new input when it comes to meditation, because I am in the middle of a life crise with no motivation. I was thrown of the path - and need to find it again."


"I know I need to get back to meditating on a daily basis and I wanted to be more successful this time. I did meditate on a daily basis quite a while ago but never found it very successful even though I did persist."


What Is ZenLife Meditation Mastery?

I’ve created my “Meditation Mastery” Course – so that in the comfort of your own home, you can give yourself “Meditation Therapy” that’s simply unparalleled in the vast world of meditation instruction.

Part 1:
The Month To Monk System
($199 Value)

The Month to Monk System will take even the most untalented, untrained, undisciplined person - someone who’s never even meditated a day in their whole life - and put them on the path to guaranteed success and mastery in just 30 days.

Anyone who actually follows this program will get results, regardless of their skill or experience level. Plain and simple.

Simply open up the book and follow along with the daily instructions.

Each day has a bit of reading, and a checklist of things to do. You learn as you go, and the information is organized in a way so that you can get started immediately and begin seeing results without becoming overwhelmed by unimportant things.

In addition, it’s set up to make you want to keep coming back for more by creating mental triggers that inspire you to meditate, and setting you up for guaranteed wins that prove to you meditation is easier and more fun than you realize.

Plus – unlike other systems of meditation –Month to Monk will help eradicate the unique mental and emotional blocks in your life. By destroying the blocks that prevent you from achieving your goals, you’ll learn to trust your instincts and follow through on your unique vision to actually manifest your dreams.

In just 30 days time, you’ll become more skilled at the art of meditation than 95% of the Western world. If you wanted, they’d probably even let you become a Monk in a real life monastery.

âžś YES! Join The ZenLife Meditation & Self-Mastery Course90 Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

Everything is based on hard science, and it’s set up so that it gets progressively more difficult over time, just like you would build muscle by staring lifting lighter weights, and then progress to heavier ones.

And, after those 30 days are up, the program doesn’t just stop. It can be repeated indefinitely once you’ve finished it.

…But for those who wish to go a little deeper, the ADVANCED Version of ZenLife Meditation Mastery picks up right where Month To Monk “ends”.

Part 2:
The Advanced Meditation Mastery Course

One of the ways Month To Monk guarantees your success is by limiting your meditation practice to just a few different styles. But the Advanced Meditation Mastery Course covers more than 30 different meditative techniques, from solo meditations, to group meditations, to yogic practices… there’s even a section on Tantra that will help breathe new life into your relationship with your significant other.

I’ve spent almost an entire year producing the content inside.

That’s a MASSIVE amount of information, spanning 6 modules and covering all kinds of incredible things, like:

  • The Scientific Aspects of Meditation that allow ANYONE - even people who aren’t spiritual at all - to meditate effectively and get incredible, life-changing results…
  • How you can create a meditative “sanctuary” which will help you go deeper into a meditative trance just by using it and dramatically improve your chances of sticking with the habit…
  • The 5 Stages of Manifesting ANY change in your life that you MUST go through, and how to leverage them so that any change you want to make can happen PERMANENTLY… with this one piece of information, you’ll never have to worry about backsliding into bad habits ever again!
  • How you effortlessly produce deeper levels of meditative trance and more powerful results by using the power of waves and frequencies to manipulate your brain and your chakras…
  • A simple method for transforming paralyzing fear into a helpful compass that always guides you into taking the correct course of action…
  • How both women AND men can use the power of meditation to unlock your multi-orgasmic potential and indefinitely experience the most intense levels of mutual pleasure and intimacy imaginable…
  • Limiting Beliefs: How to Eliminate Them Forever and Transform Your Life
  • I show you how to discover your heart’s deepest longing – and then obtain it!
  • I help you peel back the layers of the “onion” that surrounds your mind and heart
  • I enable you to fully achieve a state of total relaxation, peace, and tranquility – anytime you want!
  • I take you from the conscious level of normal day-to-day activity to the subconscious and unconscious levels, where the mind does everything you’re not even aware of – but which influence how you think and feel!
  • You’ll know how to manipulate your mind to achieve the state you desire – at will!
âžś YES! Join The ZenLife Meditation & Self-Mastery Course90 Day Risk-Free Money Back Guarantee

Here Is Your Journey To Self Mastery...

Like I said, I’ve spent the last year of my life bringing together EVERYTHING I know in order to put together this course.

The most advanced modules will even guide you in personally experiencing the perpetual bliss that gurus and philosophers refer to as “enlightenment”.

Even if you’re already familiar with meditation, you’ll still get something amazing from this content. I guarantee it.

Can you put a price on finding your perfect soulmate? How about avoiding a trip to the morgue? How much would it be worth to you to land your dream job?

Plus, when you join ZenLife Meditation Mastery, you’ll also get two amazing bonuses - worth an extra $74 - for absolutely free.

BONUS #1: The ZENergizer
($27 Value)

This scientifically designed binaural audio file purifies your mind and re-energize your body by using a resonant frequency that helps you tap into what I call “The Eternal Battery of The Universe”. It’s great for taking your meditation sessions to the next level by helping you to remain awake and alert, filling yourself with positive energy during the duration.

But even if you listen to it without meditating, The ZENergizer will give you a powerful boost of energy you can use in the middle of the day when you’re hitting that afternoon slump after lunch.

BONUS #2: The Infinite Truth - Guided Theta OM Binaural Meditation
($47 Value)

I almost NEVER offer guided meditations, because I believe in the power of making my products universal. But after creating this meditation for myself, I realized it is so effective in helping people self-actualize that I HAD to include it.

The Infinite Truth works like kryptonite on any limiting beliefs holding you back. Even after you go through it once, you’ll feel as if you’ve destroyed them permanently. That’s because it will guide you into connecting with the universal source energy of the universe… and with your “Eternal Self”.

This Eternal Self is the you that exists beyond your body, beyond your mind… even far beyond any normal human perceptions of space and time… in a realm of pure spirit and soul. By actively reconnecting with your Eternal Self you will experience a level of effortless self-acceptance and personal power that you’ve never even dreamed possible. It WILL change your life if you use it consistently. I guarantee it.

And speaking of guarantees…

You're probably wondering why am I doing this for you? I know it sounds too good to be true (but it IS true!).

Well, there is one reason why I'm doing this for you:

I want this life-changing course to be available to EVERYONE (everywhere) around the world! Everyone deserves to live the life they love and deserve!

To make it even easier...

There’s absolutely NO RISK involved. You’re entitled to a RISK FREE TRIAL of ZenLife Meditation Mastery. Use it for a full 90-days, absorbing the vast amount of information and trying out all the techniques for yourself. Listen to the additional audio bonuses and see what you think.

Use Month to Monk to dig deep into your own psyche, figure out exactly what’s holding you back, and move forward in getting the life of your dreams.

Indulge yourself with ALL of my BEST material and most useful insights, which came only after YEARS of intense effort and practice through painful trial and error.

You only pay $67 now and then after the 90 days, If you don’t get results, if you don’t like what you find, if you don’t enjoy every bit of it for ANY reason whatsoever… I will completely refund your money. AND I’ll let you keep ALL of the material.

So you’ll get a value of $712 today for just $67... because I want this to be “an easy choice” for you.

đź’—A commitment from ME to YOU

When you purchase ZenLife Meditation Mastery… you aren’t just purchasing a guarantee… you’re purchasing a COMMITMENT.

You see, I understand that it takes a lot of trust to spend money online for information. When you do something like that, you’re saying to the universe “I’m committed to making this happen.”

That is incredibly brave and inspirational. And I couldn’t ask you to do that if I wasn’t willing to make the same commitment to YOU.


If you act today, RIGHT NOW…

  • You WILL have every resource you need to pick up the habit of meditation and FINALLY STICK with it.
  • You WILL have every resource you need to make PERMANENT, LASTING, POSITIVE changes in your life.
  • You WILL have every resource you need to TRANSFORM your limiting beliefs into powerful tools that EMPOWER YOU.
  • You WILL have every resource you need to ACHIEVE YOUR HIGHEST PURPOSE and live the LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS.
  • You WILL have access to my BEST, most STATE-OF-THE-ART, most EFFECTIVE information.

And you’ll have access to it FOREVER. Period. End of Story.

What Are You Waiting For?

If you want to be successful, happy, healthy, loved, and enjoy your time on earth – PRACTICE MEDITATION!

It’s the one thing you can always have with you, whenever and wherever you need it.

You can’t say that about most things these days! 

Once you download and read this course, you’ll be equipped to make the positive changes you want to make – the changes that really make a big difference!

I know the unknown can be scary, but in order to get where you’ve never been, you’ve got to be willing to do things you never imagined.

You owe it to yourself to get exactly what you want, and not one bit less.

You might be tempted to leave this page and think about it. It’s only natural. But I guarantee you what will happen: You’ll forget about it, and it will be drowned in a sea of other unimportant things that don’t matter to you. And your decision to wait will have ended up amounting to the same thing: living the same life you’ve been living, going back to that endless cycle of repetitive painful frustration as double-down and just “work harder”.

But don’t mistake motion for progress. You could spend your whole life running on a treadmill and never actually get anywhere.

I get it: It’s hard to embrace your destiny, find your deepest purpose in life, and get EVERYTHING you want. But it doesn’t HAVE to be.

The reason so few people are actually able to do it is because it takes a leap of faith. But you deserve EVERYTHING. NOTHING should be left off the table for you. An infinite world of infinite possibility is right at your fingertips. All you have to do is commit to yourself, and you’ll discover that the leap of faith you’re so afraid of right now…

That little leap of faith you’re so afraid of is actually more like a short hop.

Do you REALLY want to live the life of your dreams?

Because THIS moment…

THIS is the moment where you have to choose.

Are you going to step up and become the person you were always meant to be, or are you going to pretend that all of this doesn’t apply to you, and go back to a life where you’re unhappy, unloved, unfulfilled, unproductive, invisible, marginalized, disrespected, looked down on, and who knows what else?

The rest is up to you.

I am making this as affordable as possible for YOU!

The course is worth hundreds of dollars. My students have experienced the most profound life-transforming changes in their lives (which is of course, priceless).

If you click the button below and order Zenlife Meditation Mastery today, instead of having to pay $712, you’ll only have to pay one low payment of $67.

You'll have enough life-changing "meditation" tools to last you a very, very, very long time (you're whole life actually!)

Why am I doing this?

I want this education and training to be available to EVERYONE (everywhere) around the world! I really want you to experience this personal “life-transformation” first-hand.


âžś YES! Join The ZenLife Meditation & Self-Mastery CourseRisk-Free 90 Day Trial - ($712 only $67)
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You'll Get a RISK FREE TRIAL of ZenLife Meditation Mastery

There’s absolutely NO RISK involved. You’re entitled to a RISK FREE 90-Day TRIAL of ZenLife Meditation Mastery. Use it for a full 90-days, absorbing the vast amount of information and trying out all the techniques for yourself. Listen to the additional audio bonuses and see what you think. Use Month to Monk to dig deep into your own psyche, figure out exactly what’s holding you back, and move forward in getting the life of your dreams.

Indulge yourself with ALL of my BEST material and most useful insights, which came only after YEARS of intense effort and practice through painful trial and error.

I know that sounds like a very lofty promise… but it’s 100% true. That’s why people have been asking me a lot of questions about the ZenLife Meditation Mastery course. They want to know it’s legit, even if there is a guarantee. So below are the most common questions I’m asked about the course.

Get the answers you need to make up your mind here, and I’ll see you on the other side…

Q: I can’t even slow down my thoughts, let alone STOP them. Can ZenLife Meditation Mastery help me do that?

Yes and no. The truth is that meditation is not actually even about stopping or suppressing your thoughts. It’s a common myth that ends up frustrating people and doing more harm than good as it pushes them away from the practice by setting up impossible standards. By reframing your practice a healthy way, however, you will gain greater control over your reactions to your thoughts, and learn to react in ways that benefit you tremendously.

Q: I can’t focus. Does this mean I’m unable to meditate?

No. What you THINK is the inability to focus is actually just an underdeveloped ability to focus, and is more common than you think. In truth, very few people (< 5% of the population) can actually focus on anything for longer than a single minute without being distracted. There’s a technique in ZenLife Meditation Mastery that will actually allow you to quantify your ability to focus without being distracted, and if you do this technique in conjunction with your practice, and you will actually be able to measure your progress over time and see that your ability to focus is improving.

Q: Meditation is supposed to feel good, but when I try it always brings up painful thoughts… will this help me stop them?

Yes and No. This is another common myth that needs to be debunked. Meditation is not always going to feel good. As in the case above, the point is not to suppress thoughts, but to observe them. Your painful thoughts, when observed at a distance, will eventually become less painful, and go away naturally in time. Afterwards, you will feel unburdened by letting go of that pain and the good feelings will naturally follow as a result.

Q: I don’t have enough time / I’m too busy… Can I still use the program?

Yes. Meditating for even 30 - 60 seconds will help. The general rule is this: If you feel like you don’t have 2 minutes to meditate, you probably need to do it for 2 hours. The truth is that everyone has the same 24 hours a day. Those who feel busy are often stressed out not because they lack time, but rather because they have difficulty prioritizing it. Meditation is a great way to help us figure out what is really important to us, and enable ourselves to have the courage to abandon the things in our life that we don’t really want in order to free up more time to spend on the things that we do.

Q: My family/husband/children/friends/other people prevent me from meditating… can I still use the program?

Yes. Most importantly: ZenLife Meditation Mastery will actually improve your relationships with the people who you are blaming for your unhappiness. While it’s true that others affect our mental state and our ability to practice, we often blame our misfortunes on our external environment to avoid facing internal truths. You are the only person responsible for your own happiness, and if you don’t take responsibility for making sure your needs are met, than you’ll never be able to fully show up for anyone else in an authentic way without resenting them for it. Others resent you for this behavior, and it actually makes everyone involved unhappy in a vicious cycle of codependence. You should not only get ZenLife Meditation Mastery immediately, you should share it with whomever you’re blaming.

Q: I’ve tried meditation before and it didn’t work… what makes ZenLife Meditation Mastery any different?

ZenLife Meditation Mastery is focused on bridging the gap between science and spiritual practice. There are many techniques steeped in thousands of years of tradition that often have to be “translated” across barriers of language, time, and culture… and then rigorously tested to see if they hold up to the scrutiny of the scientific method.

ZenLife Meditation Mastery also bridges the gap between the practice itself and the external environment which allows room for the practice. It focuses on setting up external triggers to help inspire you, measuring your progress, and achieving personal goals that relate to YOU and what YOU find important instead of what some “guru” TELLS you that you SHOULD care about.

And at the end of the day, all of this directly equates into getting the positive results that YOU actually DO care about. That, I believe, is the most important thing of all. Because the life of YOUR dreams is dependent upon YOUR dream… and no one else’s.

Here’s What Other Students Are Saying About the ZenLife Meditation Mastery Course…

"When I first saw that BenArion was offering this course something inside told me that I would benefit from it. It enabled me to understand certain topics I was uncertain about and seek answers within to apply them to the present moment. I was also able to relate to some powerful messages which I believe we could all benefit from. The course goes very much into detail to help us stay committed to discovering our highest self. I believe it all starts from within and BenArion is there to give us a little push. Thank you BenArion for sharing your knowledge with us". — Gabrielle

  "I always been very criticizing about myself not being able to focus and stop thinking and felt like every time i meditated I felt exactly as bad as i felt before meditating. During the month-to-monk, this was not "solved". However, the consistency of the practice improved my life dramatically in other aspects of my life (Relationships, fatherhood, being a better husband, started practicing yoga and more). Actually this gave me motivation that was more or less hidden before that. I followed the program to the full, not missing a day! I think this is crucial, and the way you wrote the program can relate to all people, without creating a super-spiritual perception that leads people (and myself) to psychological reactance. I super-recommend it and to follow it to the fullest to get the best results". — Jonathan

"I bought your products because I thought that they would help me to elevate my body, mind and spirit. So far, I am doing just that."


"I want to be zen, and get myself into balance. I needed a system, something to commit to... and this will help."


"I really could need a new input when it comes to meditation, because I am in the middle of a life crise with no motivation. I was thrown of the path - and need to find it again."


"I know I need to get back to meditating on a daily basis and I wanted to be more successful this time. I did meditate on a daily basis quite a while ago but never found it very successful even though I did persist."
