IMPORTANT: Your "Higher Self Blueprint" is on its way! Due to factors outside of my control (email send time, etc...), it could take up to 10 minutes for you to receive the confirmation email with access instructions.

⭐While you wait, read the page below to learn how to get the Universe to FINALLY start delivering your desires...

The Timeless Wisdom Revealed In This "Divine" Blueprint of Awakening Will Help You Unlock Your Energy For An Abundant Mindset & Living Your True Purpose—Breaking Free From The Matrix Illusions And Experience A Breakthrough In Your Life!

Design And Create Your Ultimate Life...One That's Filled With Happiness, Balance, And Fulfillment...

Visiting Sicily, Italy (a dream come true)

Hi! BenArion here...

I'm glad you decided to download and read the first part of the Awakening Blueprint – "The Higher Self: How To Embody The Dreams Of Your Soul And Blueprint Of Mastery."

I’ve sent the First Part of The Awakening Blueprint to your email.

I think it’s really going to help you a lot. Now, I know we’ve never met, but I’m glad you’re reading this.

As a way of saying Thank You for taking the first step in getting to know more about me and what I do, and therefore more about yourself, I wanted to share how you can take your life to the next level of expression...

We all have a unique story to tell, and I feel it’s important that we connect.

I like the saying...

“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”

…And I believe it is so.

On August 31st, 1982, when my mother was pregnant, she attended a seminar with Yogi Bhajan in Stockholm...

...He talked about The Power of Prana (the breath) and The Pranic Body.

If you didn't know, Yogi Bhajan brought Kundalini Yoga to the west and created the famous brand "Yogi Tea" because he was also an amazing entrepreneur.


He pointed at my mother and told her to come up on stage.

In front of a crowd of hundreds, he spontaneously said that she would get a son and that he wanted to give this son a name –"Sat-Siri-Singh," which means "The Great Lion of Truth."

My mother didn't even know if the baby was going to be a boy or girl (as she decided not to do any ultrasounds), so she was pleasantly surprised at this sudden statement from Yogi Bhajan.

He also told my mother to contact him after my birth, as he wanted to give me a personal horoscope.

I've saved it to this day.

My personal horoscope done by Yogi Bhajan (1982)
My personal horoscope done by Yogi Bhajan (1982)

Seven days later (September 7th) I was born, and as a "birthday gift," actually, because I was born on my mother's birthday. That’s what I call a great choice and synchronicity! =)

So now you know the reason why I have a lion in my logo at the top.

I read Yogi Bhajan’s writings when I was in my late teens. It was those writings that helped and inspired me, in part, to create the Awakening Blueprint.

As Yogi Bhajan said...

”Creation is ready to SERVE YOU if you just BE YOU." - Yogi Bhajan

...I wrote this blueprint over 11 years ago, and since then it’s been read by tens of thousands of people around the world... and now you can read it too... for free.

I’m no different from you... I just took action and set a goal, and you can too! It’s not complicated or meant only for certain people, and it will help you see that “maze” we call life from above, integrating your higher self NOW.

That’s why I’m sharing it.

It contains timeless self-awareness and self-advancement/self-improvement techniques that will help you achieve your goals, break free from the matrix illusions and experience a breakthrough in your life... It’s my life’s work, you can say.

BUT BEFORE YOU READ IT... Stay with me to the end of this page, and I’ll share something you can use RIGHT NOW...

...To start your journey of Conscious Transformation...

I will give you 3 Easy Steps Which Can Help You Attract What You Want More Easily..., and it’s effective!

I will also share how you can download my 2 remaining blueprints so that you can own the complete set.

You are probably aware that people fail to manifest what they want in their lives for two simple reasons...

Can you guess what it is?...

...The answer is...

SIMPLE AS, they really don’t know WHAT they want or WHY they want it...

So, define those two things, and you’ll be ready to “attract” them... it sounds simple, and it is.

I will make it even simpler for you...

THAT’S WHY I want to GIVE YOU my free 3-Step Manifestation Checklist called “3 Essential Keys for Attracting What You Want”.

If you click here, you can get instant benefit RIGHT AWAY...

...This checklist will help you pinpoint and laser-target exactly what you want and why you want it... so your INNER MIND can start to anticipate it and see it... even feel it without doubt or fear, and focus on the right things without draining your valuable energy.


What YOU FOCUS ON, you create!

Otherwise, you would end up like a boat without a rudder or even sails... and you know how that turns out; you won’t get anywhere!

If you don’t have a target, you can’t AIM for it. It’s the same with MANIFESTING YOUR LIFE!

I like to compare life to a rollercoaster. It has ups and downs, but when you know what to focus on energy wise, it is less scary and draining... you have a choice to ride it consciously... that’s what I want to SHOW YOU!

Pretty obvious, but some people want to complicate Simplicity...

  • The information has assisted me tremendously with my spiritual growth and development. The more I read, the more I unlock those chambers inside myself, which consequently reminds me of who I am.
    Denise – Pennsylvania, USA
  • I like your open mind and unconventional approach. You developed a clear and authentic concept. Thanks for opening my heart.
    Hubert – Netherlands
  • Quite eye-opening information, easy to read and understand. It has been practical and useful.
    Vidal Alvarado – USA
  • Your valuable information has helped me become more centered and peaceful. I am more patient, loving and tolerant and have overcome many fears.
    Zoetnil – Michigan, USA
  • This information changed my awareness and outlook on a lot of different aspects of my life. Thanks. Great work.
    Hollis Springer – USA

"Your part is to set the direction with clear intent and a burning desire and belief that you can achieve it. As a simple comparison, imagine a boat for which the wind blows into the sails by itself (you don’t have to force the wind to blow)."

It’s not super-advanced knowledge or any magic formula, but coaches charge thousands of dollars for ADVICE about setting GOALS and developing a positive mindset.

But I will make it SIMPLE for you.

So simple, in fact, that it won’t take a lot of time or effort because I KNOW THAT PEOPLE have short attention spans; it’s how it is these days. But you seem to be focused, as you’ve read this far...

If you just add YOUR answers to the “Manifestation Checklist” (it takes about 20 minutes of your life), I PROMISE that you’ll feel better about yourself, because feeling a sense of direction and purpose in your life makes all the DIFFERENCE!

You’ll start to feel that sensation of JOY because at last, you KNOW what you want and why you want it.

If we set “UNBELIEVABLE” goals straight away, it easily creates a sense of self-doubt and conflicting feelings, as it’s so far away from what we believe ourselves to be capable of attracting into our lives... so you’ll learn an easy way to REMOVE this 3 easy steps!

NOW... I’m glad you stayed with me this far, so I’ll give you one more OPPORTUNITY to dive even deeper because you are the one who decides how far down the RABBIT HOLE you want to go... I want to ask you...

Is there a way to live your life with


to connect with your INNER SELF?

and discover your TRUE FREQUENCY?

I believe there is... and now, YOU can find it!

That's why I'm so happy to be able to provide – for the first time – a summarized and systematized set of THREE Blueprints that contain all my unique self-awareness and self-advancement/self-improvement techniques.

Almost 200 pages of "Soul Food" in these Blueprints, which you can own today!

You already OWN the first blueprint, which I’ve just sent to your email for free (“The Higher Self: How To Embody The Dreams Of Your Soul And Blueprint Of Mastery”)...

... and now I want to give you a ONE-TIME opportunity to download the 3 FULL Blueprints... as the first is part of a BIGGER WHOLE.

I call it the "Blueprint" for a reason....

People have asked me for a long time to do something like this―and now it's here.

It is a transformative self-awareness and personal development course.

...I know it will support you in the days to come.

I wouldn't say something like that if I did not reach many Personal Goals myself, for example, building a ”Network” with millions of visitors in the last few years, living an abundant lifestyle and doing what I'm passionate about... every day!

Today I am living my life as a “Lifestyle-Entrepreneur”, doing what I love, and you can too, simply by being YOU to the fullest.

There are always new goals to achieve, and I do that one step at a time, knowing I will get there.

I didn’t want to publish this FULL Blueprint before I had applied this successfully in my life.

As they have to Walk the Talk...and now that I feel it’s working for me, I’m ready to share it confidently with YOU. Everything has its perfect timing, and this is it for me...

Here is a quick look at what will be available to you a few minutes from now... and REMEMBER, you own the first part... it has probably arrived in your email by now...

icon-logoBlueprint No. 1 – “The Higher Self: How To Embody The Dreams Of Your Soul And Blueprint Of Mastery." ($37 Value)

This is the ultimate guide to connect and integrate your higher self into your everyday life and dare to take that leap of change that is sometimes needed. If you truly want to change things in your life, read this book.

What you'll discover:

(1) How You Can Be Fully Awake Instead Of Living On Unconscious Autopilot

(2) Why The Subconscious Mind Is Your Autopilot & How You Can “Control” It

(3) That You Attract What You Subconsciously Believe (Without Exception)

(4) How You Can Practice The Simple Yet Profound Miracle Of Forgiveness To Change Your Life, By Understanding The Illusion Of Separation

(5) How You Can Change Your Lifestyle & Integrate Your Highest Vision Now – No Matter Where You Are Right Now, And How You Feel

(6) How You Can Be & Live The Highest Vision & Expression Of Yourself

(7) You Can Take The Leap Of Faith Through Emotional Stretching & Trust

icon-logoThen we have Blueprint No. 2 – "The Inner Journey Of Ascension - When The Soul Awakens". ($37 Value)

An extensive overview of who we are and where we are heading within this lifetime, and you’re playing a huge part of this. This is your ultimate reminder of your purpose as a human being on planet earth.

What you'll discover:

(1) That What You Seek Is Within You And How Tuning Into The Now Will Set You Free

(2) You're A Wave, And You're Part Of The Ocean – We'll Dive Deep Into The Core Of Who You Are

(3) What Matters Most To You Will “Literally” Be Matter (Manifested)

(4) How You Can Transmute Fear Into Love

(5) The State Of “Enlightenment” Is Available To You Now

(6) The Mastery of Self – Who’s Pushing Your Buttons?

icon-logoAnd, at last, Blueprint No. 3 – "The Frequency Instrument: You Attract By Vibration - A Guide to Your Emotions & Thoughts". ($37 Value)

Are you in tune with life, or out of tune? You are an instrument of the universe, so it's time NOW to know yourself and your abilities, as you're playing the strings of your unique song....So choose to play it consciously.

Read this and inspire yourself to be a conscious creator. If you're tired of not having the energetic wind in your sails, now is the time to be the change you want to see in the world...

What you'll discover:

(1) How Your Body Is A Frequency Instrument, Working In Concert With the Universe

(2) How The Void Of Transformation And Letting Go Can Help You Heal On A Deep Emotional Level

(3) The Power Of Integrity & Self Responsibility Is Key To Success And Balance

(4) Why The Power Of Your Imagination Holds The Seed To Everything, You Want In Life And How You Can Use It In Your Everyday Life

(5) How Your Feelings Are Your Compass In Life, And How You Can Use Them To Get Where You Want To Be

(6) Discover The Power Of Your Own Sacred Heart

Once you download and read these three connected blueprints, you’ll be equipped to make the positive changes you want to make, the changes that make a big difference! 

Dynamic. Progressive. Enlightened. Aware.

These are the traits you will begin to describe yourself with, once you grasp the full meanings of the teachings contained in my three blueprints.

You can download them to your smartphone or tablet so that you can take them anywhere.

It’s like having a small library in your pocket with POWERFUL inspirational reminders. Read them when you’re riding the bus or the subway... in your favorite café or before going to sleep... at the beach... they’re yours anytime, any place.

If one of your goals in life is...


...then this is your opportunity to enjoy the “blueprint” that will enable you to achieve your goals and live your dreams.

Just Click the Yellow Button at the bottom of this page to get your copies of my "3 Blueprints" TODAY!

It’s an investment for your life and in your mind...don’t take my word for it...listen to your intuiton, and make a decision.

They’re only $44 for the entire bundle.

A better price than that, you’ll never see. It has a real value of $148, which means you get 70% off.

This offer will be withdrawn or changed to a higher price very soon and is available only to my new subscribers.

And... I’ve saved the BEST FOR LAST...

icon-logoIf you download it today, I will add one special and unique free bonus that you can immerse yourself in, right away, today, wherever you are.

I’ve discovered The 7 Keys to Unlock Your Energy Blueprint For An Abundant Mindset & Living Your True Purpose...

Those 7 keys are:

#1) Witnessing Yourself
#2) Being in the Natural State of Being
#3) Changing Your Inner Focus
#4) Daring to Let Go
#5) Wanting What You Need (Instead of Needing What You Want)
#6) Understanding Your Fears

And finally…

#7) Allowing Yourself to Accept

Now, I’m going to tell you… there’s not enough time to go into details on all of these. But when you apply these 7 keys to your life and understand them fully, deeply, intuitively… you will unlock what you’ve been keeping away from yourself.

Your inner power.

I wrote a book called, you guessed it, The 7 Keys to Unlock Your Energy Blueprint For An Abundant Mindset & Living Your True Purpose.

It was one of the first things I ever wrote, and I usually sell it for $37... but you’ll get it for FREE when you download my FULL “3-part blueprint” bundle...

These 7 Simple Lifekeys will guide you to Unlock Your Energy Blueprint and Design Your Ultimate Life...One That's Filled With Happiness, Balance, and Fulfillment!

So you’ll get a value of $148 today for just $44... because I want this to be “an easy choice” for you.

Not only does it work, but at only $44, it's the tiniest investment you can make and still have a realistic expectation of results.

To make it even easier, there is NO RISK on your part because of my 365-Day, No Questions Asked  Money-Back Guarantee.

Just send me an email, and I’ll send you a refund because I truly want you to enjoy these immersive teachings.

To download your set of the 3 FULL Blueprints and your free bonus “The 7 Keys to Unlock Your Energy Blueprint For An Abundant Mindset & Living Your True Purpose”, just click here or the yellow button at the bottom of this page and you’ll be able to start reading them in minutes.

Act now to be sure you get the 70% discount.

I look forward to hearing your feedback later on, as I’m sure you will feel inspired to change what’s necessary in your life... I’m no further away from you than a simple email.

I wish you all the best!

See you on the other side!

Thanks for tuning in...

💗What People think about My Awakening Blueprint...

The information has assisted me tremendously with my spiritual growth and development. The more I read, the more I unlock those chambers inside myself, which consequently reminds me of who I am.

Denise – Pennsylvania, USA

Your valuable information has helped me become more centered and peaceful. I am more patient, loving and tolerant and have overcome many fears.

Zoetnil – Michigan, USA
YES! Download My Set Of The 3 FULL Blueprints + FREE Bonus70% discount ($148 only $44)
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365-Day Money-Back Guarantee

To make it even easier, there is NO RISK on your part because of my 365-Day, No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee. Just send me an email, and I’ll send you a refund because I truly want you to enjoy these immersive teachings.

Disclaimer: All content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be a specific diagnosis or treatment plan for any individual situation. Use of this website and the information contained herein does not create a doctor-patient relationship. Always consult with your own doctor in connection with any questions or issues you may have regarding your own health or the health of others. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don't apply to the average attendee and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.